When Words Heal

Written By K. Dynae

My healing journey began before I knew there was even a need for one. Before the traumatic events, the self- doubt, and the overthinking anxiety, I found my method of healing through books. I know- not the ordinary way of going about making a change- but hear me out first. Reading has always been and always will be an affordable vacation to me. The only thing that matters in that space are the words typed across the page and the thoughts that invoke honest emotions. When you are in the process of healing, the only thing that matters is the story that you’re creating for yourself with the thoughts that invoke honest emotions. I guess what you can say is that you genuinely can’t have one without the other.

The birth of my healing journey began with Dr. Iyanla Vanzant’s book, Acts of Faith. I remember taking my time to get through each page, allowing my heart, mind, body, and soul to recharge piece by piece for war. No matter how many pages I went through in one sitting, Dr. Vanzant’s words were a blanket of comfort and acceptance. Whether it was that I needed a safe space to cry or I needed a boost of encouragement, Acts of Faithwas able to remind me that I was not alone and to keep going. The space created within those pages, afforded me honesty in journaling while acknowledging what happened in my past was not my destination. Instead, it was nothing more than a brief detour to learn a life lesson. With Dr. Vanzant, I learned rules to abundance and happiness while finding the light in each lesson that crossed my path. These were all lessons in love that helped with my healing.

Everyone has a different experience and a different view of their own paths. How quickly we seem to forget that there is a lesson in everything. Our ancestors have an amusing way to remind us that the only thing within in our control is how many times it takes for us to learn that lesson. It is perfectly ok to put yourself first and do what’s genuinely best for you. Sometimes, you may find that a little assistance or a reminder is needed, and that’s where the love for reading comes into play. When I began the journey into finding myself, I had absolutely no idea where to start. What I did know that in my life, books are what was consistently there to deliver the message that I needed to hear. Take my word for it and try it out. Acts of Faith, will move you along the journey cloaked in hope, positivity, as well as honesty. Remember this along the way: You deserve to show up for yourself as your best self!



Acts of Faith by Dr. Iyanla Vanzant