Time To Put In the Work

Written By K. Dynae


“The manifestation was only part of the journey. Now comes the time to focus and begin the work. You’ve planted the seed. Now it’s time to feed your passion and do right by your purpose.” – K.



It’s an overwhelming feeling. Close to a deer staring into the headlights of an 18-wheeler right before they collide. There may be soft whispers to stay the course, but honestly there’s fear. The fear of what may happen next. The fear of not knowing. The bad nerves from not completely understanding what is on the other side of the door. You become one huge emotional wreck because-well because you’ve been humbled. Now you have no choice but to accept the truth. You were never in control. You allowed fear to make decisions for you that were wrapped in doubt.

So, what’s the plan? After all that has happened and all that you have been through, what’s the next step? There are two options at this point.  Option A: We can continue doing what we’ve been doing. Taking detour after detour to only end up right back at the bus stop, waiting on the next bus to our destination. Then we have option B: take a leap of faith. Stop doubting yourself. Your intuition isn’t a little voice that tells you right or wrong. It’s your guardian along the path of your purpose.

The sleepless nights, the restless days, and the constant chaos running amok inside of your mind, body, and soul are craving peace. Only you have knowledge of your wants and needs. You prayed for a change. You prayed for a moment of silence, or for a sign to know that you have a reason for being. Be still and work on you. How do you expect to enjoy the bounty of your blessings fulfilled, when you still lie in confusion of where you want to be? Breathe and clear the way for the road you walk is fulfilled by the flames you leave in the wake of the storm you are becoming.

My Love, fear and doubt have no room at your table. What is in store for you is waiting, but first, breathe. You have already conquered the hardest part: believing in yourself to manifest your true passion. Go forth, put your faith in yourself and elevate.


In the Meantime by Dr. Iyanla Vanzant
Living Through the Meantime by Dr. Iyanla Vanzant (Journaling Prompts)